Pharmacoeconomics: manual for students of higher schools / L. V. Iakovlieva, O. O. Gerasymova, O. V. Tkachova, O. Ia. Mishchenko; Edited by Prof. L. V. Iakovlieva. – 2-nd edition, revised and expanded. – Independent electronic edition. – Kharkiv: National University of Pharmacy, 2023. – 154 p.- ISBN 978–966–615–608–5 (PDF)

Recommended by the Academic Council of the National University of Pharmacy (Record No. 6 dated 29.06.2023)

The manual is intended for classroom and independent work of students of higher educational institutions when studying the discipline “Pharmacoeconomics”.
The publication presents the basic principles of pharmacoeconomics, fundamentals of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoinformatics at the modern level, the knowledge of which is necessary for conducting pharmacoeconomic calculations. It also discusses the methodology of pharmacoeconomic analysis and the practical use of its results.
The manual is recommended for students of pharmaceutical higher education institutions and pharmaceutical faculties of higher educational institutions of the III-IV accreditation levels.